Friday, April 15, 2011


Product image
Aviary Design Suite (Free)
Free design tools and templates to create, modify and share images, logos, presentations, audio tracks, podcasts & more. Teams can collaborate on multimedia projects. Works directly in Google Docs.
-Create Logos, Slides, Business Cards & Letterhead
-Retouch photos, Make Web Templates & Banner Ads
-Develop Podcasts, Remix Audio & More

Should this suite of tools be added to the Jeffco Google Apps domain?
Click around. Try a few things. Set a few kids loose. Post some feedback below. Thanks!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Turning the Classroom Upside Down -

Turning the Classroom Upside Down -

Several Jeffco classrooms have already "flipped" - have you considered it? You can record your lesson - using any number of tools, including SMART Recorder - or... You could use videos/screencasts/lessons that other people have created, such as those from Khanacademy - described in the linked article.

How does a flipped classroom change the way teachers teach and students learn?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jeffco Google Apps Resource Site

Have you explored the Jeffco Google Apps Resource page?
It's the page you are directed to when you go through Employee Connections and the page you should link to for your staff and students.
We will continue to update it with changes, improvements, and tons of resources for training and help!